Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alexi Noble- Two Poems

The Calling

you whisper to me from the very curtains
I hide from your gaze behind
you transform sweeping brocade
until it glows divine white
in the holiest rays of the sun
—sanctifying, sanctifying

and maybe if I reach for perfection
I’ll touch the image you see in my eyes
and maybe if I reach for beauty
I can still walk freely into tunnels of light

The Holy Fire

I battle shadows with a torch
A burning brand, held high to scorch
My smoke-like demons,
Their fingers poised;
Waiting, still, to smother joy—
The vestiges, a red-hot spark
That shimmers, cowers, in the dark

Yet embers heat with deeper fire
Burn hot, burn low, and still conspire
They do not flash
But they endure
Waiting, slow, to ignite soul—
So let the devils chase the flare;
My heart is not residing there
 "Alexi Noble is a graduate of Hillsdale College, a life-long literature enthusiast, and an aspiring writer. She has previously published in the literary magazine Tower Light, and has work forthcoming in Ancient Paths."

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