Thursday, February 19, 2015

Linda M. Crate- Three Poems

it's a wonderful life 
laughter of egg yolk yellow
blades of greenest grass
and periwinkle blue
dancing across the fields of 
exploding in lavender and rosemary
and cardinal's wings yellow
such a colorful world
You carved with your hands
makes me wonder how anyone can
believe we happened here by
and i am glad i know Your name because
the world is a beautiful place 
You meant for us to enjoy.

You know my name 
You know every star's name
and position in the sky,
care for the sparrows and the lilies,
and You also consider me
which is pretty amazing when i
consider the gravity of that;
You made all the flowers and You
made us each unique and beautiful
according to Your purpose—
i wonder how many remember You,
but then i see something that
revives my faith in humanity and i
know it's You telling me to believe and 
hope even when everything seems
dark, and i want to thank You for considering
me amid all the chaos among the world.

false idols 
i tire of all these idols,
hero worshiping,
and people proclaiming themselves
kings and queens and gods
when they're nothing more than
You are the only king i'll acknowledge
because these idols aren't worth
all the time and attention
given them,
for what have they created?
they may have talent and they may have beauty,
but You are the one that gave it to them;
and i know You must disapprove
yet You love them
so as much as i despise the way they behave
i must love them, too.

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