Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bruce Mundhenke- Three Poems

Eternal Moment

In a moment of beauty I looked around
And all I saw was You.
If that moment could have lasted forever,
Forever it would have been new.

The Word

Have you not heard the Word,
Sighing in the breeze,
Descending with the rain,
Singing in the trees?
All that is heard came by the Word.

The Garden

There were trees there in the garden,
They flourished in the wind,
Placed there with love,
Each to the others companion and friend.

Heavenly dew on their branches,
Not a rain drop yet had come.
Their joy was exceedingly full,
Knowing where they were from.

There was as yet no time there,
The past and present were one,
Endless euphoria...
No evil yet had been done.

And they knew the Ancient One,
For He walked often in that grove,
They loved and were loved in perfect love,
And none with another strove.

Some still visit the garden,
For a brief time now and then,
And all of us long for the Ancient One,
He will walk among us again.

Bruce Mundhenke has worked as a laborer and a registered nurse.
He enjoys reading and writing poetry and he just started trying to publish some of it. He lives in Illinois with his wife,their niece, and their dog and cat.

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