Monday, February 29, 2016

Richard D. Givens- Three Poems

(Ephesians 2:1–10)

Trying to mature
Sensitive, demure
To sin and its pain
Once in domain
When it welled up,
When it swelled up,
When I wasn't aware
Til  my heart was laid bare
Til I came to repent
Of my sordid descent
To be made alive
Encouraged to strive
By fighting the flesh
With mind made afresh
My soul in His care
With knowledge and prayer.


You made the earth
You gave me time
You made the air
You gave me breath
You made my heart
You gave me soul
You made my mind
You gave me knowledge
You made my hand
You gave me skill
You made me emotional
You gave me passion
You made me write
You gave me a pen
You made me see
You gave me the truth
That it is all You,
O God.


God's law commands righteousness, but it can't provide the means to achieve it.   Therefore, what the law was unable to do for fallen man, God Himself did.  ~Romans 8:1-3

Illusion, delusion...
What is the conclusion?
Who am I
To you, to me?
Who am I
To God?
I fear to search
The depths of my soul,
The darkest parts
He knows so well.
What am I to you?
Can you be objective?
Can you find my heart
Not so invective
When I know
Deep inside,
When I plunge
Way below
There is every impurity
That's destined for hell?
Don't say I'm good.
You didn't realize
I just killed you
Three different ways
As you spoke to me
Just now.
I even went through
Your pockets,
Stole a locket from a girl
And undressed her
As she passed.
I take a prideful bow.
What can I say?
My face is kind and calm.
I don't sense the gravity.
I leave no body or blood.
No one screams or shouts.
No whistle blows.
No one will arrest me
Since only God knows
The total depravity.
My most interesting thoughts
Are the ones
You don't know about.

Searching my pit of despair,
Knowing there's no security
While dwelling there,
My thorn in the flesh...
Somewhat diminished.
The vile demons dying
In their impurity
No longer assail me,
No more a constant intrusion
Since the charge,
"It is finished."
To be captured and kept
Without any trying..
No condemnation
Is not an illusion.
I am now justified;
That's His conclusion.

~Richard D. Givens

Richard D. Givens, is a resident of the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas and started reading and writing poetry by the 6th grade.  He holds a B.A. degree in English.   He published a small volume in 1975, but continued to get printed in various periodicals, anthologies and contests over the years.  Richard taught "Creative Writing With the Tools of Poetry" at the local community college and has done readings and a workshop in his Valley home.  Now retired, there's more time to write. He can be contacted at:


  1. The depths of our soul reveal to us only a small fraction of what the Lord knows about us.
