Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ron L. Hodges- Three Poems

Jesus of Our Minds
This Jesus of our minds we worship
In all America and Europe,
And wherever else they call His name.
We embrace His nobility and fame,
As heard from pastor, priest, or bishop.

When He says not to judge, it lifts us up,
And we dig that shamanistic get-up.
“God is love” is His prophetic claim,
This Jesus of our minds.

We choose not to view the Son close-up,
And He’s not as pleasant without makeup;
The real reason that this Savior came
Might make us feel a twinge of blame.
We’re happier if He can pass that Cup,
This Jesus of our minds.

I have no doubt that our world is crafted
   By an Intelligent hand, nor a fear
   Unceasing evil is a fatal spear
   Plunged into Omnipotence. Never would
I nix the Trinity as too crowded,
   Or reject God because He seems severe
   Or my prayers sometimes never catch His ear.
   No, such causes for doubt seem closed-minded.
Still, there is one thing I’ve not figured out:
   We’re told Christians all need some company
   To refresh their faith, like rain in a drought;
   Yet what if one craves no society?
Though mostly reserved, I’m no less devout—
   Is there space after all for someone like me?
Heroes of Faith
The heroes of God transcended their peers;
Unmatched in courage and spiritual trust,
they have glowed like beacons throughout the years.
Noah, told that to save the race he must
build a giant ship, viewed it as right and just.
So too Abraham, called to slay his son,
faithfully performed his doubtful mission.

A fiery bush lit Moses’ cold heart;
Joshua bravely faced the pagan horde.
But Jacob was a cheater from the start,
and Rahab, who braved death as God’s spy, whored.
King David’s rival was killed by the sword
so that the man’s lovely wife could be gained.
The lust of Samson kept his spirit chained.

The disciples of Christ fled to the night
when a mob burst in like a violent tide.
Bold Peter grew craven, shrank from the light
as his friend was tried; spotted, he denied
knowing Jesus. How should this be applied?
The flaws in God’s servants most starkly shows—
Heaven generates heroes.

"Ron L. Hodges, an English teacher, began creating original work a couple of years ago, primarily poetry. His work has thus far appeared in Ancient Paths Literary Magazine and the 2015 Society of Classical Poets Journal; a recent poem will be published in the Time of Singing 2015 Summer Journal. He lives in Orange County, California, with his wife and two young sons, and works at the highly-regarded Oxford Academy High School in Cypress, California." 

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